eBook, July, 2012
Setting: England, 1813
The BEAUTY is Lady Gwyneth Evans Simms, a fiery and independent young widow who has won wide renown for her campaigns to aid the unfortunate and the oppressed. Fearlessly determined, she turns her passionate energy upon the prison hulks anchored in England’s harbours… unwittingly throwing herself against a ruthless adversary and into the most perilous fight of her life.
The BEAST is Damon Andrew Phillip deWolfe, the rude and arrogant Marquess of Morninghall, a lone wolf of a man with devil’s eyes and a temper blacker than hell. Tall, dark, and very, very dangerous, the last thing he needs or wants is this intrepid virago interfering in his life. But only Gwyneth can exorcise the personal demons that haunt Damon’s black soul… and teach him to love, once again.

Praise for Wicked At Heart:
“Strong, emotional, dark and sensual, Wicked At Heart takes the reader by storm. Ms. Harmon has outdone herself. (4 stars!)” Kathe Robin, Romantic Times Magazine.
Romantic Times Magazine gave its hero Damon the prestigious K.I.S.S. Award.
“Wicked At Heart is a wild, emotional ride across troubled waters. And, as the author tells us at the beginning, the sex is great.” GEnie Romance and Women’s Fiction Exchange.
“From tragedy to triumph you will remember [Ms. Harmon’s] vivid characters for some time to come — and you’ll take them to your
heart! Ms. Harmon remains a forerunner in historical romance!” Diane Potwin, The Literary Times.